All our vacancies

10 vacancies

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    • Creston, OH

    Milking Equipment Service Technician

    Looking to fill a role on our team for with a focus on installation and service of robotic and traditional milking and cooling equipment working out of our Creston location.

    40 hours per week

    • New York and Vermont

    Chemical Delivery Driver

    Transports materials and chemicals to our clients.

    40 hours per week

    • Enosburg Falls, Vermont

    Full Charge Bookkeeper

    Bookkeeping and general accounting for our business.
    • Greenwich, New York

    Service Technician

    Primarily performs scheduled repairs, emergency services, and installation.

    40 hours per week

    • Leola, PA

    Lely Service Technician

    Assist in installing and servicing Lely Milking equipment, including automated milking systems.

    40 hours per week

    • New Franken, WI

    Maintenance/Route Driver

    Must lead and operate an established route maintenance program for several dairy farms.
    • New Franken, WI

    Barn Products Specialist

    This position would be in charge of the sales and aftermarket of all barn product equipment.
    • New Franken, WI

    Service Technician

    Our service technicians work on different brands of milking equipment to help keep the farm up and running.
    • Northeast United States

    Area Sales Manager

    Area Sales Manager