Feed kitchen
The feed kitchen promotes flexibility, as feed can be stored there for several days
The feed kitchen is the room or area where feed is stored, selected, collected, and loaded into the mixing and feeding robot. The feed kitchen promotes flexibility, as properly ensiled feed can be stored in blocks for several days. The systems' smart software achieves a feed loading accuracy of up to 98%. This helps ensure your cows recieve optimal, consistent feed. The Lely Vector system includes the installation of a crane structure with a special feed grabber in the feed kitchen.

In the feed kitchen, the crane assembly and feed grabber move back and forth above the feed, picking it up as required. Various types of feed can be easily separated and supplemented. There is also space for a mineral dispenser or additives, if these are required for the selected ration.
Depending on weather conditions and the size of the feed kitchen, you can store up to three days of feed. It has enough space for any desired feed strategy, and can be extended as your farm grows. Lely Technical Service Support consultants give advice on how to convert existing areas in livestock farms into feed kitchens.

Before the Lely Vector is used, a crane assembly with feed grabber is installed in the feed kitchen. This innovative feed grabber is designed to compose rations from a range of different feed blocks, bales and loose feed ingredients (such as by-products and fresh grass), resulting in a versatile ration-composition system. It automatically moves to the right block of silage or feed needed to weigh and mix the selected ration. The feed grabber scans the height of the feed with a laser to grab from the highest point, and self-learning management software helps the grabber determine the depth it needs extend to pick up the desired weight.
The feed grabber loads the different types of feed into the mixing and feeding robot by taking small quantities from the highest point of the feed blocks, letting the blocks remain compacted and fresh. If necessary, the Vector can also combine feed from the kitchen with products from other systems, such as tower silos and dispensers, creating a highly efficient feeding and mixing process.

The smart software in the Lely Vector achieves a feed accuracy of the products loaded into the mixing and feeding robot of up to 98%. This helps ensure your cows receive optimal, consistent feed.
Because the feed grabber grabs a different type of feed with every movement, the ingredients are already substantially mixed in the mixing and feeding robot. This reduces the time and energy needed to mix thoroughly. The mixing time and the counter blade can be set per ration to ensure a homogeneous mix of the feed.

Frequent and precision feeding positively affects cow health and milk yield. Mixing the right ingredients with the right quantities and feeding at the right time requires knowledge, understanding, and time. Our products for automatic feeding are flexible and able to adapt to your circumstances while helping to save you time and provide the right feed at the right moment.