Cows with tags feed on hay in a well-lit barn, lined up along a row of metal feed barriers, with sunlight streaming in from the side.


Your feeding strategy has a significant impact on your results

More frequent automatic feeding and feed pushing can have a positive effect on labor, animal health, fertility, production and finances. Lely automatic feeding solutions tackle the tasks of frequent feeding and feed pushing to improve feed intake, which can result in healthier cows and more efficient production.

The basic principles of smart feeding

Feeding requires constant attention due to concerns about costs, impact on animal health, and milk production. Our basic principles of smart feeding are designed to help you improve your feeding methods and make your daily schedule more flexible.

  • Frequent feeding

    Frequent feeding

    Multiple small meals per day keep pH levels stable, contributing to good rumen health and effective microorganisms within the cow's rumen.

  • Customized rations

    Customized rations

    Automatic feeding makes it possible to load, mix, and distribute customized batches of feed for each group.

  • Precise rations

    Precise rations

    Advanced software in our automatic feeding systems allows precise loading of the correct weight per feed type.

  • Saving labour

    Saving labour

    Automatic feeding systems save labor hours, which you can spend on other high-priority tasks.

Feeding media slider

A lely advisor, holding a tablet and hay, and a farmer crouching in a dairy barn with cows behind them.
A farmer holding a tablet and petting a cow in a dairy barn.
Two people walking down an aisle in a dairy barn. Cows are standing on the left side of the aisle eating.


Man in barn wearing read shirt standing beside cows. A Lely Vector automatic feeding system is in the background.

Newport, Vermont

Josh Poulin

Automatic feeding with Lely Vector

One thing I have noticed, big time, is we don’t have a lot of refusals of feed, and the diesel and the labor savings and the flexibility really make sense for us. If I had to do it all again, I would definitely put in the Vector system. It’s been a good addition to the farm.
Two women wearing shirts that say Hinchley stand together in a barn with a Lely Juno automatic feed pusher and cows in the background.

Cambridge, Wisconsin

Tina & Anna Hinchley

Automatic feeding pushing with Lely Juno

Robots are the tools that are saving my life. Literally saving my life. Pushing feed is a lot of hard work on your shoulders and hips and knees. Having those Junos running on a regular basis has boosted our milk production.
Woman outdoors in front of pile of hay.

Richland, Nebraska

Adam & Meaghan Pieper

Automatic feeding with Lely Vector

We feed upwards of six to seven times a day, rather than one to two times on a traditional lot. What we’ve found is that has led to a more consistent intake the animals are consuming as well as better overall health for the entire barn because they’re given that fresh feed 24 hours a day.


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Why our solutions?

Our solutions contribute to more than just high-quality milk. They offer freedom of choice and flexibility and contribute to the well-being of you and your cows. From machines to software and new innovations, we have many options.